DIGIT-BIO metaprogramme


Digital biology to understand and predict biological systems


OBAMA © Pexels Sarai Zuno

05 July 2024

By: Marjorie Domergue

Artificial intelligence as a tool for the genetic selection of livestock

The genetic selection of animals has been revolutionised over the past years by the advent of genomics, making it easier to select for specific essential phenotypes. Nevertheless, the task of understanding the links between observed genetic variations and phenotypic characteristics of interest remains complex. The OBAMA interdisciplinary project proposes to combine AI with genomics to improve our understanding of the influence of genetic factors on phenotypes in pigs.
Photo de chenille du maïs © INRAE, Buisson Christophe

How caterpillars perceive gravity is still not known. However, an evolutionary adaptation in the caterpillars of the European corn borer enables these larvae to use gravity information to move down the cob and thus avoid being killed during harvesting. The main aim of this project is to understand how caterpillars use gravity information to orient their movement.

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in the nucleus of a cell, the three-dimensional conformation of the genome has a major impact on how it functions. A better understanding of the links between the 3D structure of the genome and its functioning represents a methodological challenge and requires dialogue between different disciplines

bandeau in silicow 2.JPG

By applying the concept of the digital twin at the scale of a dairy farm, the inSiliCow project will develop a multi-scale simulation tool to aid on-farm decision-making with regard to farming practices for dairy cows. The inSiliCow project is a flagship ‘digital twin’ project for the Metaprogramme DIGIT-BIO.

Our goals

The quantitative and qualitative explosion of data in biology, combined with the development of new tools for processing and analysing these data, is revolutionising research in the life sciences. This development opens up new perspectives for better understanding the functioning of biological systems and predicting their behaviour.

The metaprogramme Digit-Bio aim to support research at the interface between computational / engineering sciences and life sciences (biology, physics, chemistry or environmental sciences), in order to:

  • Understand the functioning and predict the behaviour of biological systems
  • Anticipate the impact of stresses on these systems, reason out their management and develop levers for action.  In the medium term, the ambition is to develop a small number of projects for in silico monitoring of biological systems, based on the concept of the "digital twin".


Axis schématic DIGIT-BIO © INRAE