Consortium IFM2A2 (2021 - 2022)

Building a new approach to integrate the functioning of apical meristems in the dynamic modelling of plant aerial architecture

The IFM2A2 consortium proposes to bring together in a sustainable manner the different scientific communities that are currently working separately on simulating the functioning of apical meristems at different scales, operating in different INRAE departments (BAP, MAthNum and AgroEoSystem) in close interaction with INRIA.

Background and challenges

The use of a greater diversity of plant species to optimise natural resources has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the dynamics of plant stands.  Competition for light between individuals is a key phenomenon in these dynamics. This is why the simulation of aerial architecture is essential. This is essentially determined by the functioning of the apical meristems of the different axes of the plant, which includes the production of apexes (branching), the production of leaves and the elongation of the axes, up to the formation of fruits and their positioning in the stand.

Recent work by INRAE and INRIA on this topic has been the subject of high-impact publications. However, a better understanding of the determinants of aerial morphogenesis in response to the environment requires a new and multidisciplinary approach, in order to take into account different levels of scale, from the gene to the stand.


In order to achieve such syntheses, which allow science to move from the subcellular or cellular scales to those of the organ and the plant in the stand, it is essential to build a space for sharing and exchanging information between scientific communities from different disciplines, thanks to effective communication tools.

With a view to bringing these different communities together, the consortium calls for:

  • The organisation of an international seminar (28-30 November 2022 in Poitiers);
  • The joint writing of a multi-scale synthesis journal;
  • The construction of a sustainable animation network, in order to accelerate the production of models integrating the different scales.


Contacts/coordination :


INRAE participants

AgroEcosystem division



Plant ecophysiology. Conducts a programme of architectural modelling of plants in ecophysiology


Plant biology. Studies the genetic and environmental control of meristem branching activity.


Dynamic simulation of aerial morphogenesis. Individual-centred modelling of plant - environmental stress interaction.


Study of the biomechanical determinants of plant growth

Plant Biology and Breeding division


Physiology of the primary wall. Develops plant biology programmes on primary wall synthesis and branching.


Mathematical simulation of apex morphogenesis.

Mathematics and digital technologies division


Mathematical methods for modelling changes in scale





Project team MOSAIC

Mathematics and plant biology. Modelling of plant morphogenesis and apical meristem function.

See also

References :

  • Azpeitia, E., Tichtinsky, G., Le Masson, M., Serrano-Mislata, A., Lucas, J., Gregis, V., Gimenez, C., Prunet, G., Farcot, E., Kater, M.,M., Bradley, D., Madueño, F., Godin, C. & Parcy, F. (2021). Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks. Science, 373(6551), 192-197.
  • X²Barillot, R., Chambon, C., Fournier, C., Combes, D., Pradal, C., & Andrieu, B. (2019). Investigation of complex canopies with a functional–structural plant model as exemplified by leaf inclination effect on the functioning of pure and mixed stands of wheat during grain filling. Annals of Botany, 123(4), 727-742.
  • Haas, K. T., Wightman, R., Meyerowitz, E. M., & Peaucelle, A. (2020). Pectin homogalacturonan nanofilament expansion drives morphogenesis in plant epidermal cells. Science, 367(6481), 1003-1007.
  • Rameau, C., Bertheloot, J., Leduc, N., Andrieu, B., Foucher, F., and Sakr, S. (2015). Multiple pathways regulate shoot branching. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 741.
  • Vernoux, T., Besnard, F., & Godin, C. (2021). What shoots can teach about theories of plant form. Nature Plants, 7(6), 716-724.

Modification date: 18 September 2023 | Publication date: 21 March 2022 | By: Com